Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Devonshire Tea

One of the things we wanted to cross off the bucket list was to have Devonshire tea in England.

It was our coldest day in London, around three degrees Celsius. After spending our morning walking around with a map trying to find Lily Allen’s clothing store, Lucy in Disguise (which has apparently vanished into thin air), we were freezing and wanted a hot drink. This turned into Devonshire Tea at a cute café in Leicester Square.  

Sorry mum, but they were the best scones I’ve ever eaten.

They were huge! They had fruits in them and had a shortbread taste to them. They also came with cream and six different jams.

It cost around £6-7 each for the scones and a pot of tea, and kept us so full we didn’t eat again until dinner.

Holy moly they were delicious.

All three of us were in concurrence, best scones ever!

Scone eater, Nikki

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